This Fact-Checking Policy is applicable to all employees, workers, and contributors (collectively, the “Contributors”) to Gadget Flow Blog’s publications, whether contracted or freelance or otherwise commissioned.
Our fact-checking unit strives to provide accurate, unbiased reporting at all times. We have a duty to ensure that the gathering and presentation of information is accurate according to the recognized standards of objective journalism.
This Fact-Checking Policy applies to assertions of fact, not to expressions of opinion. An opinion, being a value judgement or conclusion, cannot be found to be accurate or inaccurate in the way facts can.
Contributors must make reasonable efforts to ensure that material facts presented in a publication are accurate and presented in context. Contributors must not present factual content in a way that may materially mislead the audience.
We aim to identify the primary source of a claim or content as posted on social media, speak to them directly wherever possible and obtain supporting evidence regarding the claim. We seek out information that corroborates the claims made in the content. If no corroborating material is available, we look for details within the content and attempt to contact witnesses or other associated parties who may provide information. We also consult regional and subject experts to gather their assessment of the content, in order to build up a case of evidence.
The efforts reasonably required to ensure accuracy depend on the circumstances and the topic of a publication. Sources with relevant expertise may be relied on more heavily than those without. Eyewitness testimony usually carries more weight than second-hand accounts. The passage of time or the inaccessibility of locations or sources can affect the standard of verification reasonably required.
You may contact us if you have suggestions of content to fact-check, or if you have any disputes over our fact-checking work or wish to give general feedback at